
By: Jennifer Chestnut on July 14th, 2020

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A Temp Job May Be Your Best Next Step During COVID

Career Tips

We are in unprecedented times and many are now finding themselves out of the workforce – rather unexpectedly. What now? 

Well, there is no getting around these are stressful times and finding the positive can be a challenge especially when managing the stress of unemployment. 

As a recruiter, one of things I have heard recently is that many candidates have not even considered looking for temporary opportunities in the interim. Temporary positions, which are often advertised through staffing agencies, can be an opportunity to provide income support, learn a new skill and grow professionally. It also helps shorten the resume “gap” and show your future employer that you were resilient in less than ideal times.

Temping while searching for permanent opportunities is the most basic form of networking. You get to expose yourself to a whole new network of professionals. It is no secret that the best way to get your next opportunity is to leverage your network and relationships. Employee referrals are often an employer’s main source of hires.

While the temp position may not ultimately be your dream job, it potentially opens a door which may lead to the position you have always wanted. Early on in my career, I took a temp position doing file maintenance work. It required me to go through boxes and boxes of files and put them in chronological order. Was it fun? Not necessarily. Did I get about 3,000 papercuts during that summer? Most definitely. However, it taught me attention to detail, time management and organization. It also led to a relationship with a colleague who was my reference when I applied to that next permanent opportunity.

So, in these uncertain times don’t be afraid to try something new. Take this opportunity to update your resume or Linkedin profile, load up on free professional development webinars, or learn a new skill. We are all experiencing change like never before!