
Helios HR Blog

Timely blog posts by HR and Recruiting consultants responding to every day questions, hot topics and compliance-related news as it relates to attracting, engaging and retaining talent.

Blog Feature

Communication | HR Tech | Risk Management | Best Practices | Employee Relations

By: Helios
February 10th, 2016

Many of us in the DC metro area experience the stress of dealing with the daily traffic congestion and long commutes in order to get to work on time, and I don't even need to describe what happens during a snowfall. Due to these stresses we face as well as the increasing number of millennials in the workforce, many employers are looking more seriously at telework options. This is an area gaining in popularity for various businesses and industries, and its usage is expected to grow. With the new technologies available to us, working from home is becoming a more viable alternative without the risk of employees losing touch with their employer and customers. Some employers do not realize there are also cost effective reasons for initiating a telework program. Listed below are four cost effective reasons for considering a telework program in your organization.

Blog Feature

HR Tech | Diversity & Inclusion | Risk Management | Employee Relations

By: Audrey Thurston Yilmaz, PHR
February 4th, 2016

By now, I am sure you are aware of the changes made to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 by the Obama Administration. Designed to address the barriers associated with employment of individuals with disabilities, Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act outlines the compliance requirements for federal contractors.

Blog Feature

HR Tech

By: Debra Kabalkin
January 27th, 2016

Deciding whether to hire internally for your HR function or outsource HR is a critical decision, especially for organizations experiencing fast growth. If you are currently outsourcing HR functions to a Professional Employer Organization (PEO) and are considering bringing your HR in-house, there are several considerations you need to take into account before pulling the trigger.

Blog Feature

HR Tech | Talent Acquisition

By: Krystal Freeman
July 24th, 2015

Let’s be honest, Facebook is probably the number one social media site most people will participate in online. Their most recent stats say that they had 936 million daily active users on average for March 2015. For those of us who use it know that it allows you to connect with friends, family, peers, and in general those that “travel in your circle.” So most of us agree that it's a great place to "hang out" online. That said, is it the best place to recruit for talent? Facebook is not known to be a professional social networking site such as LinkedIn. As a recruiter, I have heard arguments for using - and not using - Facebook as a means to recruit and find qualified candidates. Let’s take a little time to examine the Pros and Cons of using Facebook to recruit.

Blog Feature

HR Tech | Risk Management

By: Debra Kabalkin
July 22nd, 2015

Social Media sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube and even Instagram are a part of the modern workplace today. These tools are no longer just for personal use since many people use them in their professional lives as well. In the workplace, social media sites are being used for purposes such as marketing, employer branding, and corporate social responsibility. For instance, recruiters use LinkedIn to find and connect with candidates and sales professionals use it for lead generation. Many employees use Google + for the chat feature to connect instantly with colleagues or conduct industry Hangouts. As HR consultants, we are often asked about the pros and cons of allowing social media in the workplace when developing workplace social media policies.

Blog Feature

HR Tech

By: Debra Kabalkin
April 29th, 2015

As HR professionals, we know that having a Human Resource Information System (HRIS), also referred to as a HR Management System (HRMS), has a myriad of advantages. If implemented correctly, an HR technology platform allow for the most beautiful streamlining of processes. This includes taking out any manual steps that can sometimes lead to a single point of failure in any process.